Top Herpes Questions Answered
When I was going through the waiting period and uncertain if I had herpes, I found myself contemplating what it would be like to live with the virus. The questions...
Top Herpes Questions Answered
When I was going through the waiting period and uncertain if I had herpes, I found myself contemplating what it would be like to live with the virus. The questions...
Navigating Anxiety and Finding Support: A Guide...
An important topic that affects many individuals: anxiety and its correlation with a herpes diagnosis. May is National Anxiety Month and Mental Health Awareness Month, making it an ideal time...
Navigating Anxiety and Finding Support: A Guide...
An important topic that affects many individuals: anxiety and its correlation with a herpes diagnosis. May is National Anxiety Month and Mental Health Awareness Month, making it an ideal time...
Herpes Outbreaks During Pregnancy
Taking care of our bodies and preventing outbreaks is a top priority, especially when we're expecting and wanting to protect our baby's health. Let me share a bit about my...
Herpes Outbreaks During Pregnancy
Taking care of our bodies and preventing outbreaks is a top priority, especially when we're expecting and wanting to protect our baby's health. Let me share a bit about my...
Is Herpes Always Genital or Oral?
Herpes is a virus that is commonly associated with either oral or genital areas of the body. However, many people are surprised to learn that both types of herpes viruses,...
Is Herpes Always Genital or Oral?
Herpes is a virus that is commonly associated with either oral or genital areas of the body. However, many people are surprised to learn that both types of herpes viruses,...
Navigating Skin Care Ingredients: Protecting Se...
As someone who values skincare and the well-being of your skin, we understand the importance of being informed about the ingredients in your skincare products. In this comprehensive guide, we...
Navigating Skin Care Ingredients: Protecting Se...
As someone who values skincare and the well-being of your skin, we understand the importance of being informed about the ingredients in your skincare products. In this comprehensive guide, we...
Lemon Balm for Herpes
Studies have found lemon balm extract was effective in reducing the healing time of cold sores caused by HSV-1.
Lemon Balm for Herpes
Studies have found lemon balm extract was effective in reducing the healing time of cold sores caused by HSV-1.